Outstanding crowdfunding program in the City of Milano
The new initiatives are open for all non-profit organizations with headquarters in Milano. All projects are able to use the available funds of Municipality of Milano for projects that are financed by at least 40% private funds. The funding needs of the given project cannot exceed 100.000 EUR.
The initiatives involve the collaboration partners of Produzioni dal Basso and Ginger Crowdfunding platforms in order to provide professional support to the preparation of projects. In 2016 the City of Milano already started similar initiatives that was closed in 2017. The former initiatives contained 18 approved projects of which 16 were successfully realized with more 300.000 EUR as financial support from the City of Milano.
How it works
The public tender call defines that the crowdfunding campaign must be funded privately at least 40% of the entire funding need of the project as a pre-requisite. Due to the involvement of Ginger Crowdfunding, online trainings are available to make an efficient preparation and development of the projects.
If the project meets the underlying criteria and also approved by the dedicated Committee then crowdfunding campaign shall be initiated in the Produzioni dal Basso platform. The time available for fundraising is 60 days.
The projects must relate to specific fields and shall propose solutions for the challenges of social, economic, cultural and environmental difficulties. The identification of target fields shall be guided by the impacts of COVID19 especially in case of new expectations regarding the efficient use of resources to support communities with strong disadvantages.
The Municipality of Milano initiated the CIVIC crowdfunding project in line with PON Metro Milano 2014/2020 regulations to make the crowdfunding as an alternative funding solution available for project supporting social innovation in peripheries.
The total amount available for the contributions provided for in the call for proposals is 550.000 EUR from the PONMETRO Milan 2014-2020- action 3.3.1.c (European Social Fund), and will be granted in accordance with the following provisions de minimis state aid within the meaning of EU Regulation 1407/2013.
- https://eurocrowd.org/3rd-ecn-crowdcamp-european-dimension-civic-crowdfunding/
- https://urbact.eu/sites/default/files/crowdfunding.pdf
- https://innovationinpolitics.eu/wp-content/uploads/2020/01/3-4.pdf
- https://www.intechopen.com/online-first/crowdfunding-the-case-of-italy
- https://born2invest.com/articles/municipality-milan-launches-a-call-co-finance-civic-crowdfunding-campaigns/