Kanapé Pitch Vol. 52.
At the Kanapé of Tokeportal, members of the startup ecosystem present their story, vision, role and relevance in the ecosystem. Join us!
The Kanape Pitch episodes are available on Spotify and YouTube.
The campaign owners of RECASH and Syrius expound the news about their crowdfunding campaign.
Today we present the Lunar Incubator! (23:06-53:56)
- The founders, Janos Kubiczki and Daniel Janko, met at Corvinus University 7 years ago. They established the Youth Buisness Group(YBG), which main purpose is to develop the entrepreneurial skills and mentality of the university students. The community is active in various universities in 4 countries,which thanks to the initial success, led to the choice of the policy that is still in place today. Prior to this, they both gained their knowledge in multinational companies, during which time they realised that they wanted to move beyond consulting and background processes to active work, making decisions and bringing about change.
- Last year, at the launch of the Lunar Program Incubator the founders resembled their venture to the vision of landing on the moon, emphasising that the project requires perseverance similar to that process. At that time they had the vision of helping to broaden the mindsets of local and regional entrepreneurs, imparting cutting-edge methodologies and beliefs to encourage them to see that it is possible to launch a globally successful startup from Hungary. They involved people who had the knowledge to develop a stratup, and after one year they digitalized some part of their programmes by a Finnish startup called Claned, so the students can execute the course in hybrid way.
- Their goal is to make an active startup ecosystem and to support the founders to reach a national success. To achieve that, they apply desing thinking methodology and interactive workshops run by experts and startuppers.
- Today more than 30 teams apply for the programme and according to their expectation approximately they will work with 60 groups anually . They hope these startups will be succesful within 3-5 years.
- You can find their posts on Facebook and LinkedIn . Here you can register for the event.
What happenned in the last 2 years? (00:00-18:57)
- The first show was on 15th of April in 2020
- We had 56 episodes
- With almost 150 guests, such as: startup ecosystem members, popular public characters like Kriszta Mate, Janos Lackfi, Gergely Peterfy, Bori Peterfy and Geza Hegedus.
- We show their competence and knowledge in these summaries
- Live shows are available on Facebook, Youtube and Linkedin. The most viewed viedo on Youtube was Roland Raba with 17500 views and followed by these broadcasts: Petya Balogh, Peter Oszko and Zsuzsa Csisztu.
- On Facebook we collected more than 85000 views, where the most popular Facebook video was the special edition with Petya Balogh, which reached 6866 views.
- On Linkedin the most popular video was 2021-22 startup New Years’s Eve, which got 4925 views, and Zoltan Vardy.
More than 2000 people looked at the Kanapé Pitch page and 1000 people read the Startup New Year’s Eve edition. The most popular summary was the 2020 and 2021 Startup New Year’s Eve.
#Get to know our guests
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@Janos Kubiczki
Janos Kubiczki | Lunar Program Incubator
@Daniel Janko
Daniel Janko | Lunar Program Incubator
From the beginning his passion was to solve porblems and create new things. He’s always been really optimistic which helps him to reach his goals. Thanks to that, he got the language exam without any language skills and became the co-owner at the company where he was the worst trainee.
When he got older he realised not so many people have this mentality in Hungary, in turn we can reach worldwide success from our little country, if we believe in ourselves. This observation made the YBG’s purpose to develop students’ mentality and to teach them in order to work hard for their goals. He is so proud of themselves that nowadays they support 1200 undergraduate in this group. When they started the Lunar Program the ambition was to support the domestic startups and help them to understand the most modern method to solve the most difficult issues.
Csak nagyon kevesen hisznek benne, hogy ha eleget dolgoznak érte, akkor bármit elérhetnek. Akár hazánkból is elérhetünk világsikereket. Szerintem, aki nem hisz benne, az jó eséllyel soha nem lesz igazán sikeres, mert úgy indul neki a maratonnak, hogy össze van kötve a cipőfűzője. Amikor Janival és a többiekkel megalapítottuk a YBG-t, akkor számomra a legfontosabb célkitűzés az egyetemi hallgatók mentalitásának a fejlesztése volt: tanítsuk meg őket álmodni és keményen megdolgozni azokért az álmokért. Büszke vagyok rá, hogy a YBG-ben az elmúlt években több mint 2500 hallgatót és jelenleg is 1200 tehetséget támogathattunk ebben. Amikor tavaly belevágtunk a Lunar Program elindításába, akkor is hasonló volt a cél: segíteni a hazai és regionális start up-okat nagyban gondolkodni, átadni nekik a legmodernebb módszertanokat és a hitet, hogy a legnehezebb helyzeteket is átvészeljék. Azt mondják egy startup nem akkor bukik el, amikor elfogy a pénze, hanem amikor az alapítók feladják. Klisé, de végtelenül igaz…
Find out about the investment and sponsorship campaigns that are up and running! Be part of their success and support good causes!
Our campaigns are currently available:
- Recash | Because RECASH puts money in your pocket! Really.
- TRIP | Support their campaign! Become a founder of the First Hungarian-International Web Theatre!
Sign up for our campaigns in preparation!
- Syrius | Time to conquer the heavy machinery market
- Blundee | The digital restaurant experience! Get a taste of success!